Welcome to Madison Little League
Madison Little League has served our community for over 60 years. You and your family are the most important part of our organization. We hope to make the 2025 season fun for everyone involved. Be a part of building the character of the youth today to be our leaders tomorrow.
This is a 100% VOLUNTEER ran facility and any amount of help you and your family can contribute will be greatly appreciated. One way everyone is expected to help is that, each team will be required to work the concession stand a maximum of three times during the season. You are expected to participate in the concession stand a minimum of one time per child to be eligible for All Stars. Any assistance on fieldwork days or before games will be greatly appreciated.
Equipment, Insurance & Utilities will approach $25,000.00 in expenses for the 2025 season while sign up fees will normally total only an average of $13,500.00. (Total is estimated by 150 players X $90.00 average sign up fees.) These totals show how important your assistance is with getting sponsors and volunteering in our Concession Stand.
Note: All Fees are due at time of sign up. All players who’ve not paid at the time of draft day will be drafted on an as needed basis. Volunteer Waivers available upon request.
Sign-Ups will continue through the month of February. Each player will be contacted by the coach after the draft. Coaches are scheduled to Draft teams Sunday March 15th, 2025.
Teams of 10 to 12 players will be selected. Except T-Ball which will begin with 9 or 10 players. Each team will receive scheduled practice times that will continue through the beginning of the season, Saturday, April 12th. After that time, open fields will be available to teams working the concession stand. Concession and Game schedules for In-Park games should be ready by April 1st.
Each Team will be scheduled between 14 and 18 games depending on number of teams in each league. Normally, teams play one game during the week and one game on Saturday. Some age groups will be required to travel to play other area Little League parks.
Madison Little League provides players with a jersey and cap of MLB team selected. Each player will need to have a glove and rubber cleats or tennis shoes. Each team will select type and color or pants and socks which parents will responsible for purchasing.
Any questions or problems can be addressed by contacting the league President, Anthony Douglas. In case of inclement weather, you should either call the number or email the address listed at the bottom of our website via MadisonLittleLeague.org. Cancellation Messages will be posted 1 hour before the first scheduled game. Rain-out games are normally, played on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday.
Madison Little League has a established a “Zero Tolerance Policy”. Any individual, player, family member or friend attending a League sponsored event that demonstrates poor sportsmanship, uses inappropriate language or participates in any acts of violence or threats will ejected from Madison Little League for the remainder of the 2019 Season.
Thank you from Madison Little League Board of Directors
Background Check Notification
Little League Baseball Inc. has taken preventative steps to insure your child’s safety and wellbeing. Most importantly, as of the 2003 season Little League Baseball Inc. has required that each local league perform a background check on all League Officers, Board members, Coaches and Volunteers. Madison Little League is a proud and willing participant in this program.
League Boundary Verification or Waiver Requirement Notification
Little League Baseball Inc. has taken additional steps to insure fair play throughout tournament play. Each player participating in Little League All Stars is required to live within that league’s boundaries to be eligible. Madison Little League welcomes all players desiring to participate in our baseball or softball program but feels obligated to notify each parent of the requirement at time of sign ups.
Please take a moment to look at the Madison Little League’s boundary Map and verify that the child’s residence is within the boundary lines and sign on the appropriate line.
Option 1 – Player lives within League Boundary__________________________
My child ____________________ lives within Madison Little Leagues boundary.
SIGNED: _______________________ (Parent or Guardian)
Option 2 – Player lives outside League Boundary (Not All-Star Eligible) _______
My child ____________________ does not and has not lived within Madison Little League’s boundary. I understand they will not be eligible for All-Star competition.
SIGNED: _______________________ (Parent or Guardian)
Option 3 – Player or sibling previously lived within Boundary and played at Madison Little League
My child ______________________ lived within the Boundaries and played in Madison Little League from the _______ to _______ season before moving to _____________________ St., _______________city_________zip - outside the boundary. I understand an official Little League Waiver form must be completed to allow my child to be eligible for All-Star competition.
Waivers are available for players or siblings who previously moved out of boundary after participating in a previous season.